Description: Background: This layer displays illegal dumping hot zones in LA County Public Works franchise areas and Garbage Disposal Districts. Survey Mapping and Property Management assisted with the initial creation of the data. Environmental Programs Division staff have access to add and update hot zones through the following ArcGIS Portal App: Attributes include: FRANCHISE– Franchise area of hot zone (if applicable) LOCATION– Location of hot zone GDD– Garbage Disposal District of hot zone (if applicable) GLOBALID– Unique ID of records NOTES- Notes/comments regarding hot zone HOT_ZONE_TYPE – Type of hot zone; domain values include hot zone, warm zone, cold zone CREATED_USER – Editor tracking field that shows username of who initially created the record CREATED_DATE – Editor tracking field that shows date of when record was initially created LAST_EDITED_USER – Editor tracking field that shows username of who last edited the record LAST_EDITED_DATE – Editor tracking field that shows date of when record was last updated Data can also be reviewed in the following applications secured to Environmental Programs Division: Solid Waste Incident Tracking (SWIT) Intranet Application: https://apps.intranet/env/idcrt/ Trash Monitoring Program (TMP) ArcGIS Online Application (Secured):
Copyright Text: EPD Business Contacts/Application Working Group - Christopher Sheppard, Steve Milewski, Wendy Bui, David Coscia, Adriana Ornelas ITDSA Application Lead – Natalie Mann