Description: Rainfall gages throughout the County were selected based on spatial distribution and rainfall record length to determine the 85thpercentile, 24-hour rainfall. The 85thpercentile, 24-hour rainfall can be used to determine the stormwater quality design volume per DPW’s Low Impact Design Manual.
Copyright Text: Martin Araiza
County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works
Water Resources Division
900 S. Fremont Ave
Alhambra, CA 91803
Description: Rainfall gages throughout the County were selected based on spatial distribution and rainfall record length to determine the 95th percentile, 24-hour rainfall. The 95th percentile, 24-hour rainfall can be used to determine the stormwater quality design volume per DPW’s Low Impact Design Manual.
Copyright Text: Martin Araiza
County of Los Angeles
Department of Public Works
Water Resources Division
900 S. Fremont Ave
Alhambra, CA 91803
Name: LA County Vision Zero Collision Concentration Corridors (CCC)
Display Field: STREET
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: The CCC Shapefile was prepared by Public Works as part of the development of the County's Vision Zero Action Plan in partnership with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and in collaboration with community stakeholders. A Collision Concentration Corridor is defined as any half-mile roadway segment that contained three or more fatal or severe injury collisions between January 1, 2013, and December 31, 2017. A priority score was developed for each segment by first totaling the number of fatal and severe injury collisions that occurred on that segment, and then weighting for fatal collisions, pedestrian or bicycle-involved collisions, and collisions occuring in disadvantaged areas. A disadvantaged area is defined as a community in the lowest quartile of the California Healthy Places Index. Collision Concentration Corridor Priority Score = (#_of_Fatal_& Severe_Injury_Collisions + 0.5*#_of_Fatal_Collisions_that_Involved_Any_Type_of_Travel_Mode + 0.25*#_of_Fatal_&_Severe_Injury_Collisions_that_Involved_Vulnerable_Road_Users + 0.25*#_of_Fatal_and_Severe_Injury_Collisions_that_occurred_in_a_Disadvantaged Community) / Segment_Length**The minimum segment legnth was assumed to be 0.5 miles
Copyright Text:
Data set compiled from Los Angeles County Public Works’ Collision Database, collisions occurring between January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2017 for Unincorporated County roadways; Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS), Safe Transportation Research and Education Center, University of California, Berkeley. 2018. Data query from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2017 for Unincorporated Los Angeles County, excluding State Highways - (Accessed October 15, 2018).
Contact Person:
Eric Dunlap
Description: This layer contains Legal City boundaries within Los Angeles County. The most recent copy of this data are available for downloading by the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal.Note: The boundaries will not line up with the Thomas Brothers® city layer.The principle attribute is BDRY_TYPE, representing boundary feature types. Use these values for definition queries and layer symbology to meet the needs of your map.Coast- This value represents the coastline. This data is carefully maintained by DPW staff, based Los Angeles Region Imagery Acquisition Consortium data.Land City- This value represents city boundaries on land.Land County - This value represents the county boundary on land.Pier - One example is the Santa Monica Pier. Man-made features may be regarded as extensions of the coastline.Breakwater - Examples include the breakwater barriers that protect the Los Angeles Harbor.Water - This value is used to separate features represengint internal navigable waters and the ocean. Examples of internal waters are found in the Long Beach Harbor and in Marina del Rey.Ocean - This value is used to represent ocean boundaries between cities in addition to the seaward boundaries of coastal cities. Per the Submerged Lands Act, the seaward boundaries of coastal cities and unincorporated county areas are three nautical miles (a nautical mile is 1852 meters) from the coastline.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County Public Works, Mapping & GIS Services (
Description: The Flood Control District encompasses more than 3,000 square miles, 85 cities and approximately 2.1 million land parcels. It includes the vast majority of drainage infrastructure within incorporated and unincorporated areas in every watershed, including 500 miles of open channel, 2,800 miles of underground storm drain, and an estimated 120,000 catch basins.
Description: The data is a compilation of storm drain hydrology studies completed by the LACFCD. To learn more about MS4 outfalls and corresponding stormwater catchment areas, please visit the NPDES site, hosted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.Principle Attributes:AREA_NAME: These areas roughly coincide with Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUCs) as identified by the United States Geological Survey.OUTFALL_ID: Corresponds to a proposed MS4 outfall point identifier.This data is a work in progress.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County, Department of Public Works
Contact: Maria Nguyen, 626-458-2594,
Description: Boundaries of sub watersheds or watershed sub areas. Original areas were drawn on U.S.G.S. 7 ½ minute, 1:24,000 scale topo quad sheets by Hydraulic Water Conservation Division. Digitized into ComputerVision CADDS4 by Environmental Programs Division (EPD). Converted to Atlas GIS Atlas Graphic Format (.agf) by EPD. Cleaned up, topology built, downstream connectivity developed in Atlas GIS. Converted to ArcView Shape (.shp) by EPD.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County Stormwater Engineering Division & Environmental Programs Division
(Nha Dao-SMP)
Description: This layer contains Garbage Collection boundaries within the contract cities serviced by L.A. County DPW. Disposal districts maintained by other agencies, like City of LA or LA County Sanitation District, are not shown here.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County Public Works, Mapping & GIS Services (
Description: Represent's the outer land boundary of Los Angeles County. Land boundaries are derived from the Los Angeles County Cadastral landbase. Ocean boundaries are drived from NOAA coastline data, modified to conform with LAR-IAC aerial imagery where needed. The most current copy of this data is available at the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County Public Works, Mapping & GIS Services (
Description: The Los Angeles County Waterworks Districts boundary layer was created by the GIS and Mapping Unit of the Waterworks Division from the legal descriptions of the initial formations of the Districts and updated with subsequent annexations (additions to) and detachments (subtractions from) of the Districts. The boundaries are used internally for analysis and planning and are used by the general public to find the Water Utility for their property when accessing the Service Locator on the Public Works website.
Copyright Text: Los Angeles County Public Works Waterworks Division Jack Husted (626) 300-4774 Data updated by Cathryn Chen / Viki Yip
Description: This data is not for tax collection purposes. It is used to expedite Road Maintenance operations. This data is typically updated to coincide with city annexations. The most current data is available for public downloading at the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal. See
Copyright Text: If any questions, contact Thierno Diallo (
Description: This layer contains information for locating past and present legal "County Lighting Maintenance District" (CLMD) within Los Angeles County. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works provides the most current shapefiles representing "County Lighting Maintenance District" (CLMD) on the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal. True, legal boundaries are only determined on the ground by surveyors licensed in the State of California. The most current copy of this shapefile can be downloaded at the Los Angeles County GIS Data Portal at
Copyright Text: This data is maintained by the Los Angeles County Public Works. Contacts: James Kulbacki, 626-458-7113,; Thierno Diallo, 626-458-6920,; Michael Maung, 626-458-7078, .
Description: More information on County Road Maintenance is at Principle attributes in this layer include:EQUIPCODE: corresponds with the asset identifier in the county maintenance database.STREET: is the street name.CITY: corresponds with the road maintenance yard who typically maintains that road asset.
Copyright Text: Contact: Thierno Diallo at 626-458-6920or by email at
Description: This layer contains the 2011 Official Supervisorial District Boundary for the County of Los Angeles, drawn at the parcel level.
Copyright Text: This data is maintained by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Contacts: Thierno Diallo, 626-458-6920,;James Kulbacki, 626-458-7113,