type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: DESCRIPTION, length: 500
, Coded Values:
[Ballona Creek Bike Path: Ballona Creek Bike Path]
, [Compton Creek Bike Path: Compton Creek Bike Path]
, [Coyote Creek Bike Path: Coyote Creek Bike Path]
, ...15 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: REASON, length: 80
, Coded Values:
[Storm: Closed Due to Storm]
, [Bike Path Flooding: Closed Due to Bike Path Flooding]
, [Construction Activities: Closed Due to Construction Activities]
, ...4 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Description, length: 500
, Coded Values:
[Ballona Creek Bike Path: Ballona Creek Bike Path]
, [Compton Creek Bike Path: Compton Creek Bike Path]
, [Coyote Creek Bike Path: Coyote Creek Bike Path]
, ...15 more...
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: REASON, length: 80
, Coded Values:
[Storm: Closed Due to Storm]
, [Bike Path Flooding: Closed Due to Bike Path Flooding]
, [Construction Activities: Closed Due to Construction Activities]
, ...4 more...
Description: Data points in this feature class relate to trail access. All points are linked to specific trails through their trail ID.All data points were collected using a Trimble GeoExplorer 6000 GPS receiver. Data was post processed using the Differential Correction utility in Trimble's Pathfinder Office software. Accuracy percentages for processed data are as follows.5 to 15cm - 55%15 to 30cm - 5%15 to 30cm - 20%.5 to 1m -17%1 to 2m - 3%Data points were further post processed to align with LARIAC Imagery and the underlying trail allignment.
Copyright Text: PlaceWorks, 2015 and County of Los Angeles, 2015
Name: Hiking and Riding Trails – Unpaved (LA County Parks and Rec data)
Display Field: name
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolyline
Description: This feature class contains detailed trail surface information such as trail name, trail ID, trail type, adoption year by the Board of Supervisors, source, and length in feet and miles.Linear surface data was further post processed to align with LARIAC Imagery.
Copyright Text: Sapphos; PlaceWorks, 2015; County of Los Angeles, 2015.